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Filed under: Personal Opinions, Security News
posted by D1m on 28 Dec 2006 01:34 pm

Strict Laws On DoS/DDoS Attacks + Personal Opinion

Since November 2006, in UK is an offense to launch DoS/DDoS attacks, which experts had previously called “a legal gray area.”

What follows is my brief personal view on this subject.

Such attacks should have been considered illegal for over 10 years now because they cause significant financial losses to businesses as they affect the availability of data and services – A very unethical thing to do…

Causing many problems for all the parties involved in the supply chain…

The end responsibility obviously resides with the attacker, but businesses and individuals are also responsible for not doing anything or very little to prevent such attacks, which are persistent and constantly evolving in increasing frequency and complexity.

Other than education for awareness on DoS/DDoS attacks, I believe that effective prevention techniques and adequate security management is the goal businesses should aim towards. The reason for striving for this goal is to protect their digital assets as well as the flow of information critical to their successful operation.

There are several companies worldwide that provide cutting edge solutions which can protect your enterprise network from this type of attacks and thus allow the constant and secure flow of information.

I will list 2 or 3 here:

Prolexic Technologies – www.prolexic.com

Callaway Alliance – www.ddosprotection.com

Cisco… and many other… Just google it! ;-) Keyword: “ddos protection”

The other problem is that DoS/DDoS attacking tools and exploits are publicly disclosed on the internet… This means people relatively unskilled in computer knowledge can cause large amount of damage by simply running a DoS/DDoS exploit against an online target.

The new law decreases the frequency of such attacks but doesn’t stop them…

Food for thought…. I would be happy to know YOUR opinions on this subject.

Read more on this recent law:


One Response to “Strict Laws On DoS/DDoS Attacks + Personal Opinion”

  1. on 30 Aug 2009 at 12:24 am 1.George said …

    DDoS attackers are a real problem, And it’s comforting to know there is a law on it. There has been an uprise in Online gamers using DDoS attacks on other players internet as an advantage (Such as RuneScape players). BBC website also suffered a DDoS attack not long ago.

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